Monday, October 13, 2008

Culture brands a country

What would i invest in the event of a market collapse? For one, i wouldn't. But i reckon there'll surely be a recovery period after that, where everyone starts rebuilding. The question is, to whom should i place my bet at that time? Well, going from the history, Japanese are famous for their unbeatable pace for recovering judging from their performance at post-WWII era. I believe this is where culture value plays an upmost important role. That is why people trust Japanese car more than even their own national car. Japs are famous for their determination in everything they do. Looking abck to our own backyard, we pride ourselves with rich culture, great food and beautiful beaches. Attribute to our culture. We loved to eat, our insatiable appetite for food has driven us ahead of other nations. We have too many reasons to call it a holiday. As a result, we experience more leisure at beaches than many other nations and hence we excel in terms of makaning and makan-angining.

Give u a clearer picture of what i'm tryng to tell:

Scene 1:

Japanese bloke: Sumimasen, u see this Toyota ar, very the powerful ar, proton no match ar!

Local bloke: Ahyayya, couldn't agree more!!!(paiseh) Ours ah, we call kereta 'potong', aiyor... very susah wan...
(this applies regardless to where this event took place)

Scene 2:

Japanese bloke: Sumimasen, this sushi ar, very tasty ar, malaysian food no match ar!

Local bloke(with cynical smile): Ei brother lobak, you've only tried our nasi lemang, so fast u judge, wait till u tried our klang BKT, Penang A.Laksa, Jamban Nasi lemak, Putu mayam, papadam nasi daun pisang,.............. i'm sure ur mother won't recognise ur fat @$$ when u return home ar!(proudly walked off...)
(this only applies to non-malaysian soil, should it happen in our motherland, he'd have been brutally assaulted by mat rempits, another malaysian brand, courtesy of too much messing around and not enough thinking culture from the MPs in the parliament)

I love this country. Honestly. If not for these morons we wouldn't have prevailed. Also, we wouldn't be able to hold so many festivals with so many reasons not to go to work/ school/ see someone u hate/ pay the bill/ eat at lousy coffeeshop below office(pick one u like).

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