Thursday, December 11, 2008

Playing with fire...

Today seems to be the most free for me, simply because it's selangor's public holiday. This leads me to believe a saying, "never place all eggs in 1 basket". I soon realize that without selangor's powerhouse, i have practically nothing left to do! And so there i was, thronging around KL...

And so i had a sppoky lunch with an old friend, and no, she doesn't smoke(u'll definitely know why i said so once you know her name, possible turn up in our A4J Christmas), thruout the conversation, i learnt that i once had a very good shot at becoming her bf... well in a way at least i'm glad it didn't work out, coz now she's already berpunya, and she's now working at
Nirvana, yeah right, read that again. Imagine the 'product' they're handling... altho it's nothing like in a slaughter house la (it's not even fair to compare her with pork-selling ahsam. in the first place). Did i mention we had a spooky lunch? we~ had~ it~ at~ the~ cafe~~~~~~ wuu~~~~~

All was perfectly preserved even after a long time, the frankness, the closeness, the openess... Well embalmed with numerous calls and carings, coupled with special ingredients; raw jokes and info exchange(man i really dont like to use the word gossips). 1 hour was too short, to say the least, with each feeling much left to be desired. Time flies.

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